Ismansjah received his Physical Therapy degree from The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland (1999), and his Bachelors degree from Sonoma State University (1994). He is an American Council on Exercise (ACE) certified personal fitness trainer and a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Ismansjah played football at Sonoma State University and has been coaching football at Cabrillo College since 2004. He is a competitive power lifter and was the 2004 World Champion in the deadlift. He owns the California state record for his age and weight division with a 677 lb deadlift.
Ismansjah is married to his wife, Dede and has two beautiful children, Amirah and Ali.
Specialized training: Neck and back stabilization, shoulder and knee rehabilitation, spinal manipulative therapy.
Regis University
Clinical Faculty
Sacramento State University
Clinical Faculty
UCSF/SF State University
Clinical Faculty
University Of The Pacific
Clinical Faculty